Saturday, October 15, 2011

Frozen Yogurt Recipe For Ice Cream Maker

How to make yogurt.
Ingredients for the yogurt, about 500 ml.
1. Whole milk pasteurized or UHT milk is normal. Or 425 g. The low-fat or 2 tablespoons.
2. Milk and regular formula or milk powder, 75 g. of fat, or 5 tbsp.
. 3 cup of natural yogurt, 75 g., or half a cup of yogurt.

How to do it.
1. Steamed milk in a casserole. Or, use two pots stacked. The water off the leaves in boiling water and boil the milk. (To avoid burning the milk).
2. I began to warm milk. Dissolve the powder into the milk.
3. Heat the milk at 95C for 5 minutes without a total temperature of the hot milk and milk close to boiling, then a timer.
4. Lift the heat of the milk into the chilled water flowing through the outside of the container used to boil milk. Or frozen in ice. The temperature of the milk at about 45C or warm enough to stand up when tested with a drop of milk on the back of the hand.
5. Add yogurt, milk, natural flavors to them gently to combine.
6. Close the lid, incubate them at 43C for 4-6 hours if no cabinets above a foam box or boxes that can store heat and add milk, then incubated for about 6-8 hours of incubation at room temperature. approximately 8-10 hours until the meat, yogurt, water feature that you want.

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